Here’s your chance to win a five night stay at your favorite motel…the Cape Hatteras Motel, of course! Enter our Christmas Tree Decorating Contest. This is a great way for us to celebrate all of you during the holiday season when summer seems so far away, and a chance for you to plan your next vacation.
Here’s how it works. Send us a Christmas ornament that represents your hometown, your state, or favorite sports team. It should be something that identifies your geographic location. This will help us decorate our office tree — which looked a bit sparse last year — and will be a vivid reminder of where all our guests call home (and you do come from many places). When you send the ornament (and please don’t send anything breakable), include a small card with your name, e-mail address and cell phone number. We will draw one name from all the ornament entries received for a five night stay — no blackout dates and any room type (taxes not included – space must be available)! Second prize will be a shell basket with shells we’ve collected from our beach and Shelly Island.
One entry per household please. The ornaments must be received by November 15, 2017. They can be mailed to Cape Hatteras Motel, P.O. Box 339, Buxton, NC 27920. If you are visiting with us before November 15, you can bring the ornament to the office. Ornaments will not be returned. We will take photos of the ornaments as we receive them and the finished tree and we will post on Facebook, and of course we will let you know the name of our winners. The drawing will be held the day before Thanksgiving.
We have had a great year but also a challenging one. We want to say thank you to all of you who supported us through the trials and tribulations of storms, beach re-nourishment, and of course, the Great Power Outage of 2017.
We hope to have a tree full of ornaments from all over the country (and maybe even points beyond), and we wish you good luck in the drawing!
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Christmas graphic for this contest post courtesy of John M. Havel. See more of John’s creative images on Flickr.
[Stop by our office to get your ‘soon to be collector item’ T-shirts].
Cape Hatteras Motel recently topped 11,469 fans on Facebook!